If you're confronted by this? Good. I’m not for you.

Go back to overthinking, over-tweaking, and over-explaining why things aren’t working.
Keep enjoying how things are going in your business, and good luck!

(But if you’re still here, still reading, still feeling that uncomfortable little nudge- yeah, you. The one resisting and pretending this isn’t exactly what you need?

Rip off the damn Band-Aid already: Fuck It, I’m In.
*Until April 1, 2025. Make a difference while actively committing to yourself.

Hate me and this page?

No form, no inbox overload, no back-and-forth.
If you’re serious about working together, you know where to find me. And how.

See you inside.

That’s it. 

If your gut is screaming "Fuck It, I'm In!" but your bank account is saying "Girl, we're out," I get it.
Apply to Mod. Tell me your truth. Show me what you’re struggling with.

Mods aren’t just helping hands; they’re my ears, my eyes, my heart, and my partners in transformation.
I read every single application personally. If you’re ready to show up, put in the work, and hold space for others, you have a shot at joining us for free—one time—if you bring the fire.

🔥 In? Get Started by Modding Unfiltered. *Mods for Fuck It, I'm In must have modded Unfiltered first.

Can’t afford it but know you need it? Apply to Mod.

Listen, if you’re looking for a form to ask me if something is right for you, you already have your answer.

If you need a pep talk before committing, read the damn sales pages.
If you’re hesitating, sit with that feeling- is it fear or is it truth?
If it’s fear, you already know what to do.
If it’s truth? That’s okay, too. But I’m not here to convince you.

My programs aren’t for fence-sitters or serial “let me think about it” types. 
You will know when you’re ready- because staying where you are will feel worse than taking the leap.

Here’s Why.

No. You Don’t Need to Contact Me.